Conference on Internet Law, Dresden, Germany, 24th-27th June 2010

he four-day seminar is going to deal with Internet Law especially focusing on the key aspects data privacy, criminal prosecution and international private law with special emphasis on the trilateral relations between Czech Republic, Poland and Germany. It is going to take place at the University of Technology Dresden.

As for the content, the relation between theoretical and practical aspects of Internet Law shall be as important as the possibility of gaining an insight into contemporary legal problems with this vastly growing medium. The participants are going to deepen the problems and possibilities in workshops and will draw transnational solutions.

Furthermore the seminar shall give information on this field of law in a higher degree than it usually is provided by the law schools. This shall help to realize the actuality and legal relevance of the topic and its major importance especially for future open-minded European lawyers.

ELSA members  from favoured countries: 40 €
ELSA members from non-favoured countries: 40 €
ELS members: 40 €
Non ELSA members: 50 €
Non students: 60 €

Contact Information:
Kristin Kammann


Registration deadline 12th May 2010
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