“Gender discrimination and European Law – an international conference on Human Rights”, Stockholm, Sweden, 22nd - 23rd May 2010

ELSA Sweden welcomes you to the annual conference on Human Rights, where the main topic is on discrimination and European Law. The purpose of the seminar is to elaborate the problems within discrimination law; broad spectra of seminar regarding civil right litigation will bee at stake.

The seminar includes lectures from Sweden NGO´s speakers, the seminars involves participants from the students and will bee held in English, and it will contain social and cultural events in order to let the participants get to know each other and to strengthen their network across borders.

ELSA members  from favoured countries: 27 € per day
ELSA members from non-favoured countries: 31 € per day
ELS members: 40 € per day
Non ELSA members: 50 € per day
Non students: 60 € per day

Contact Information:
Björn Pettersson, VP S&C ELSA Sweden

Maureen Odum, Director for Human Rights ELSA Sweden

Website: www.elsasweden.org


Registration deadline 14th May 2010

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