Europe – Where are we heading? – Trapped between supranationality an sovereignty

The future of the European Union is open ended. Important questions as what to do with the world wide financial crisis, democratic legitimacy issues and the harmonisation of the laws of the members of the European Union are to be discussed. The conferences aim is to take a historical, sociological, economical, political and – of course – a legal approach to take stock of those problematic issues.

The main focus of the conference will lie in three workshops. The first will discuss the harmonisation of the national market with the final aim of a Single European Market, especially regarding intellectual property law and antitrust law. The second workshop will focus on the problem of opening the European Union for more members and the sociological and cultural borders of Europe. The third workshop will discuss the democratic legitimation of the European Union and the separation of powers in the Union.

In addition to those three workshops the conference will include lectures as well as a panel discussion with speakers with an academic background as with practical experience.

We hope on having guests from lots of different countries and thus be able to live the “E” in ELSA! Of course the social program will be exquisite! For more information send us an email or give us a call!

ELSA members  from favoured countries: 27 €  per day
ELSA members from non-favoured countries: 31 € per day
ELS members:
Non ELSA members: 
Non students: 

Contact information:
Teresa Gutsche, Head of Organizing Committee
Email: headofoc(at)


Registration deadline 26th April 2010
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