Everything on companies in bankruptcy on the web
The judge of the High Commercial Court Mario Vukelic is the idea originator of the web page where, from yesterday, information on the assets of bankrupt companies offered for sale can be found. However, yesterday judge Vukelic was not at the presentation of the web page which can be found at the Judge's Web portal, but the web page was introduced by the President of the High Commercial Court Srdan Simac, the Minister Ana Lovrin and the President of Judge's Web and the Advisor to the Minister Drazen Komarica. Anybody interested in buying real estate and equipment will not need to carefully watch Official Gazette in the future, but will be able to find what is sold at any moment until the sale. The page also contains information on bankruptcy trustees. The list of trustees was already available at the web address of the High Commercial Court, but now it contains not only names but also other information such as education level and the list of bankruptcy procedures a trustee managed, in the case that creditors wish to select a trustee by themselves and not leave this task to the bankruptcy judge. However, by checking the list of trustees it becomes clear that many of them provided no information whatsoever, so it contains only the address and phone number. Among such trustees is the known record holder Marinko Paic, who managed numerous bankruptcies before the Commercial Court in Zagreb, but there is no such list on the web...
Vecernji list, 20.01.2007.
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