Court decisions to be placed on the Internet
ZAGREB - The website project "Judges Web", one of the IT solutions that should improve and speed up court practices in Croatia, was presented on Tuesday at the restaurant "Paviljon" in Zagreb.
The project is about an electronic database accessible to all judges on the Internet (www.sudacka-mreza.Iir), containing court decisions. In this way, the court decisions become accessible for the general public, right after being drawn up and sent out, so that the judges actually get an insight into the practices of their colleagues. So far, only a selection of court decisions used to be published in some periodicals and any other exchange of experiences could only be verbal.
- In this experimental phase of the project, the court decisions and other documents will be available only for the judges. Our intention is to test the project, to correct possible mistakes and get feedback from the judges. After that, in a couple of months we'll be ready to go fully public - says for our newspapers Mr Drazen Komarica who, after getting FuIIbright scholarship, spent considerable time in research of court practices in Croatia.
In his research, Mr Komarica noticed that the practices vary from one court to another, so he came to the idea of creating the Judges Web, a website in which court decisions would be published, so that the judges could compare their cases with the cases of their colleagues. Although he has plans for opening the project for broader public, Mr Komarica pointed out that the intention was to keep the service free to the judges.
Besides the website, the name "Judges Web" is taken also by the non-governmental and non-profit organization founded in July 1999. Its Internet project, financed mostly from donations, got support by the Ministry of Justice in May 2000. At the moment, the Judges Web has 31 members, among them: Court Presidents, Vice-Presidents, judges, lawyers, law clerks and law students. S. ABRAMOV
Novi list, 27.06.2001.
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